Zahra Mirrazi
I am currently a Postdoctoral researcher at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Before coming to Göttingen, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow and lecturer at the Linguistics Department at UCLA. My research mainly focuses on semantics, pragmatics, and syntax-semantics interface, typically from a cross-linguistic perspective. I graduated from the Linguistics Department at UMass Amherst, with a dissertation titled Tense in Conditionals: Ins and Outs. In my dissertation, I study the contribution of tense, aspect, and mood in the meaning of conditionals, in the light of novel data from Farsi. Adding Farsi to the typology of languages that encode semantic and pragmatic differences among conditional statements using their temporal morpheme inventories, my dissertation sheds light on the cross-linguistic variation in the strength of counterfactuality. My other projects include work on modals, neg-raising, indefinites, fake indexicals, bare plurals, as well as micro-variation in the aspect splits in the nominative-accusative system of four Neo-Aramaic dialects. I received both my BA (English Language and Literature), and MA in Linguistics from the University of Tehran, in my home country, Iran.