Nancy Kula
Nancy studied phonology for her PhD at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, MA in Linguistics at SOAS, University of London, and BA in Linguistics at the University of Zambia. Following her PhD she held a post-doctoral position in Leiden and at SOAS for three years. She has worked at the University of Essex since 2007. Her research centrally focus on Bantu languages, particularly on phonology, tone and intonation but also on morphology, phonology-syntax interface and morphosyntax. She also does work on language policy and multilingualism. She has worked on many topics in phonology including nasalisation, palatalisation, spirantisation, vowel harmony, strength relations, segmental structure, syllable structure, derived environments, licensing, tone, intonation and element theory. She has published in international journals including Phonology, The Linguistic Review, Lingua, Transactions of The Philological Society, JALL, SAL, Lingusitic Analysis and is co-editor of The Continuum/Bloomsbury Companion to Phonology (2011/2013) and of the soon to appear Oxford Guide to the Bantu Languages.