Ling J: Exceptive-additive constructions cross-linguistically (advanced)

Ekaterina Vostrikova (University of Göttingen) Clemens Steiner-Mayr (University of Göttingen)

This course deals with different exceptive expressions that can also get an additive interpretation. For instance, "besides" in "Every boy besides John was happy" suggests that John was not happy - the exceptive reading. On the other hand "besides" in "Some boy besides John was happy" suggests that John was happy too - the additive reading. Not all exceptive expressions allow for the additive reading. For instance, "but" simply leads to ungrammaticality wherever "besides" yields the additive reading. We will discuss this phenomenon from a cross-linguistic perspective and investigate what an overall coherent formal semantic approach to these phenomena could look like.

This course is Advances. Some experience in formal semantics and generative syntax will be necessary to follow the discussion.