Constraining Alternatives - Aron Hirsch (University of Maryland)
Getting by without Movement: Cross Clausal Dependencies in Georgian - Tanya Bondarenko (Harvard University)
Phonology goes Syntax - Markus Pöchtrager (University of Vienna)
Using a Forced Aligner for Prosody Research - Hongchen Wu (Georgia Tech University)
Collaborating with Indigenous Peoples: Ethics of Decolonial Feminist Anthropology - Diana Fox (University of the West Indies/Bridgewater State University)
Gesture. Decolonial Forms and Anthropology's Shadow - Joseph M Pierce (Stony Brook University)
Movement Solidarities: The Value Form and the Intensity of Migrant Poetics - Kevin Potter (University of Vienna)
Performing Memories and Weaving Archives: A Book Talk - Sayan Dey (Alliance University, Bangalore)