Virtual NYI 2024-06-27
Virtual NYI 2024-06-27

What is V-NYI?

The NYI Global Institute of Cultural, Cognitive, and Linguistic Studies is an advanced live program focusing on underrepresented and interdisciplinary fields of study, including critical cultural studies, theoretical linguistics, and more.

LIVE (Zoom)

Global Institute of Cultural, Cognitive, and Linguistic Studies

What it consists of

29 Seminars
11 General Lectures
4 Interactive Workshops
2 Film Screenings

How it works

Students select 4-5 Seminars and/or Workshops
All classes synchronous and LIVE only
Seminars/Workshops meet 6 times over 2 weeks (M/W/F or T/Th/S)
V-NYI #10 Certificate upon completion

Critical Cultural Studies
Seminars and Workshops

Razvan Sibii
Journalistic Coverage of Vulnerable Populations in Times of Peril

Razvan Sibii
University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Anna T.
Bypassing Petunia Pig: slangs in the era of digital $urveill4nce

Anna T.
Athens, Greece

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Reflections on the Digital Divide in two BRICS nations (India and South Africa)

Kyle Bester
University of South Africa
Madhumita Das
The Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Development (iLEAD), India

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Dinara Yangeldina
Examining Russian Musical Exile

Dinara Yangeldina
University of Bergen

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Abdur Rehman Khan
Poetry in Conflict

Abdur Rehman Khan

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Moving Through Water: Translations and Transitions Between Art Forms

Dinara Asadulina
Morley House
Christos Kakouros
Morley House

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Theories of the Uncanny

Melis Umut
Stony Brook University
Mary (Polly) Gannon
co-Director, NYI Critical Cultural Studies

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Masha Sokolova
Memories / Futurities

Masha Sokolova
University of Ljubljana

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Julio César Díaz Calderón
Communal writing for dignity against trauma and war

Julio César Díaz Calderón
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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Social Trauma, Ecology, and Identity

Danille Elize Arendse
Stellenbosch University / University of Pretoria
Sayan Dey
Bayan College, Oman

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Tegiye Birey

Tegiye Birey
Central European University, Vienna

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Masha Godovannaya
Film Letter

Masha Godovannaya
Smolny Beyond Borders

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Kevin Potter
Palestinian Literature as World Literature

Kevin Potter
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, University of Vienna

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Iuliana Matasova
Ukrainian Audiotopia of the 1990s: Artistry, Affect, and Agency in Popular Music

Iuliana Matasova
Independent Scholar

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James McFarland

James McFarland
Vanderbilt University

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Theoretical Linguistics & Cognitive Science

Introduction to Formal Semantics

Jéssica Mendes
Georg-August Universität Göttingen
Zahra Mirrazi
University of Göttingen

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Issues in Non-Concatenative Morpho-Phonology (advanced)

Noam Faust
Université Paris 8, CNRS SFL
Shanti Ulfsbjorninn
Memorial University of Newfoundland

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Pavel Iosad
The Life Cycle of Phonological Processes: Principles and Case Studies (advanced!)

Pavel Iosad
University of Edinburgh

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Sigríður Björnsdóttir
The dynamic processes in language: A view from L1, L2 acquisition and change

Sigríður Björnsdóttir
University of Konstanz

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Jon Rawski
Learnability and Linguistic Theory

Jon Rawski
San Jose State University

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Meter, Rhythm, and Grouping in Textsetting and Beyond

Jonah Katz
Kie Zuraw

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Marcel den Dikken
Syntax 2 (semi-advanced)

Marcel den Dikken
ELTE & Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics

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Maša Bešlin
Introduction to Generative Syntax

Maša Bešlin
University of Maryland

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The Morphology, Syntax and Semantics of Fake Phi-features in Pronouns (advanced)

Filipe Hisao Kobayashi
Paris Lodron University Salzburg
Susanne Wurmbrand
Universität Salzburg

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Chit-Fung (Lawrence) Lam
An Introduction to Lexical-Functional Grammar

Chit-Fung (Lawrence) Lam
University of Manchester

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Masha Esipova
Intonation and Meaning (semi-advanced)

Masha Esipova
Bar-Ilan University

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Tobias Scheer
Introduction to Syllable Structure

Tobias Scheer
CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur

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Logical Phonology (semi advanced)

Kyle Gorman
City University of New York (CUNY)
Charles Reiss
Concordia University, Montreal

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Adam Szczegielniak
Puzzles in Syntax (advanced!)

Adam Szczegielniak
University of Gdansk

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Nerea Madariaga
Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Change

Nerea Madariaga
University of the Basque Country

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Laura Kalin
Introduction to Morphology

Laura Kalin
Princeton University

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Introduction to Experimental Syntax

Nick Huang
National University of Singapore
Sandra Villata
University of Enna Kore

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Head Movement: Its Nature, Consequences and Effects (advanced)

Kenyon Branan
Universität Göttingen
Hedde Zeijlstra
University of Göttingen

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Conditionals (advanced!)

Rajesh Bhatt
UMass Amherst
Roumyana Pancheva
University of Southern California

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Weird Types of Movement (advanced)

Magdalena Lohninger
University of Vienna
Tom Meadows
University of Geneva

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What our students say about V-NYI

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